2011年7月29日 星期五


(1) 如果要喚起人們對受飢餓折磨的人的更多關注,則吾人對於自己作為一世界公民的身份(至少是作為第二序的)需要有所認同;不能只視他們為(受害的)外國人,其中道德責任上的關係之認同是相當關鍵的;

(2)  故然,在刻下緊急的捐助及救援才是最重要的!但在下希望表達的是:在長遠的發展及教育層面上,能夠建立起某程度之世界公民身份的認同,才可以持續地關切及幫助世界各地的不幸者建立其應得而有尊嚴、有意義(也即是人格)的正常生活。

Hunger crisis and "Peace""

(1) "Why so less, Why not much? "(by Peter Singer) always came to my mind these days, I'm very sorry about the people live in Horn of Africa;

(2) the crisis in HornOfAfrica doesn't draw much attention, at least in my home town Hong Kong, only because we still haven't understand or the respect of the meaning of global citizenship, that make a moral connect and ground for the which give us the duty to relief their suffer;

(3) It's a shame for me (as a human being) could not fulfill our moral duty by contribute more to relief them from hunger and extreme condition;

(4) What "peace" do we looking for? For me that's children can go to school and have enough food to become a rational human being~

(5) I'd very doubt that peace can be achieve through increasing national military budget :(

(6) The importance of rational being is that they act for the practical reason and which can be and need to be justify.

2011年7月26日 星期二

2011年7月22日 星期五



(二)"When most of us first see pictures of seriously undernourished children, we want to help them, we have a sense of responsibility to them, we feel sympathy toward them"(〈案:中譯〉「我們絕大部份的人當看到相片中為營養不良所痛苦折磨的孩子時,也會不期然生起有責任要去幫助他們的責任感!」) from: (Mr.)Hugh LaFollette and Larry May, 'Suffer the Little Children' in "World Hunger and Morality"(edit by)Mr. William Aiken and Mr. Hugh LaFollette, (Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1996) also a PDF version in http://www.hughlafollette.com/papers/suffer.htm(Paragraph 2)

(三)對上述這情況,我認為可以借儒學心性論中之仁心(感通心)去說明此中之道德責任。比如儒家孟子即認為:「人皆有惻隱人之心,無惻隱之心非人也。」 (原文請參看《孟子.公孫丑》上)因此不論是當我們看到有小孩將掉進井裡(孟子對此之說明詳見《孟子.告子》上),或者是有小孩要面臨飢餓之苦甚至死亡, 而我們乃可以痳木不仁,本心良知無所感動的話(也即是沒有自覺到對此事之不應該之判斷,和要作幫助的道德責任時),則我們便是沒有或失去自己作為人的最根 本的特質了!

2011年7月19日 星期二

Recommendation of the great website (4)

The United Nations World Food Programme !

Check it out and see if your can join to fight the hunger together~~


2011年7月1日 星期五

Fighting Hunger!!


Recommendation of the great website (1)

It's 香港人文哲學會

http://arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~hkshp/ go check it out if you interest in thinking, cultural issues, and philosophy~

Recommendation of the great gaming video channels (1)

It's Attila16 from Dateyourgame.com

http://www.youtube.com/user/attila16?blend=1&ob=4 go and check it out~~