2011年7月29日 星期五

Hunger crisis and "Peace""

(1) "Why so less, Why not much? "(by Peter Singer) always came to my mind these days, I'm very sorry about the people live in Horn of Africa;

(2) the crisis in HornOfAfrica doesn't draw much attention, at least in my home town Hong Kong, only because we still haven't understand or the respect of the meaning of global citizenship, that make a moral connect and ground for the which give us the duty to relief their suffer;

(3) It's a shame for me (as a human being) could not fulfill our moral duty by contribute more to relief them from hunger and extreme condition;

(4) What "peace" do we looking for? For me that's children can go to school and have enough food to become a rational human being~

(5) I'd very doubt that peace can be achieve through increasing national military budget :(

(6) The importance of rational being is that they act for the practical reason and which can be and need to be justify.

